Some of our most popular frequently asked questions are:

What is Cement?
Cement is a hydraulic substance produced from limestone and clay to form a powdery material that can be mixed with water and other suitable substance to form, build and construct. It hardens and sets over time and is very suitable for use with other materials like sand or gravel. Its combination can be used to produce concrete. It can also be used for plastering. Some people refer to cement as a binder
How is Portland cement produced?
A premeasured amount of ingredients are combined and deposited into a cement kiln. These materials are first screened and crushed and then mixed together. Then they are put in the kiln. Ingredients required for the production of Portland cement include limestone and clay
What is the difference between cement and concrete?
Although people sometimes refer to cement as concrete and vice versa, cement is actually one of the ingredients that is used in the production of concrete. Concrete is a mixture of cement and some other ingredients including crushed gravel and sand. This ingredients are usually mixed together to form a thick paste which eventually hardens into concrete
What is the meaning of the 28 days strength?
The 28 days strength is a method that is usually used to test the strength of a concrete. Concrete sets rapidly at first and then it slows down with time and due to this, a concrete might take a few years to reach its maximum amount of strength. This is a little impracticable, which is why the 28 days strength is used to test the strength of a particular concrete
Are there different types of Portland cement?
There are up to 8 different types of Portland Cement (Type I-VIII). The usage of each will be determined by the purpose for which it is to be used

Cement Requirements

Cement requirements include the mechanical requirement, the physical requirement and the chemical requirements. The Mechanical requirements: these entails the tests that have to be carried out to ensure compliance with the regulating bodies, examples of these tests include the flexural test and the comprehensive strength test The Physical requirements: this includes the test that ascertains that the cement has all the qualities of a good cement. Examples of these tests are fitness test, the expansion test and the setting time test The chemical contents of a good cement includes Fe203, AI203, MgO, So3 and some other components
What is the difference between PPC and OPC?
PPC stands for Portland Pozzolana Cement while OPC stands for Ordinary Portland Cement. The major difference between these two types of cement is the addition of pozzolan material to the cement while it is still in the clinker. The major components of the pozzolan material is alumina and silica. This addition increases the long term strength of a cement mixture

What are the different types of cement?

  • There are five main cement types though they can be expanded into 27 types of cement.
  • These 5 types of cement are
  • Portland Composite Cement
  • Pozzolanic Cement
  • Portland Cement
  • Composite Cement
  • Blast Furnace Cement
What is meant by the initial and final setting time of Cement

The initial setting time of cement is when the cement mixture toughens considerably and loses its flexibility. The final setting time is when the cement mixture hardens and can carry some amount of load

Is there a universal specification for Portland Cement?

No there is no universal specification, each country comes with its own standard for Portland Cement

What is the shelf life of cement?

Usually, cement should be tested for strength at least 3 months after production. But before that length of time, as long as your cement doesn’t come in contact with water, it should be just fine. Due to its composition, cement hardens once in contact with water

What is the shelf life of cement?

Usually, cement should be tested for strength at least 3 months after production. But before that length of time, as long as your cement doesn’t come in contact with water, it should be just fine. Due to its composition, cement hardens once in contact with water

What is the meaning of cement equivalent?

This is a factor that is determined based on studies of the clinker and the cement. The cement equivalent is usually done on site