Raw Material Processing
Processing raw materials is one of the essentials in a cement plant, some of the processes that might be needed to get the raw material into perfect shape includes; blasting, crushing and milling. The most common raw materials include limestone sand, PFA and ironstone.
Making the best use of these raw materials is dependent on the combination process, the right measurement and the crushing process . The crushing process is one of the major stages of processing raw materials and in this stage, crushers are a major requirement.
When it comes to selecting the perfect crushers, you need to consider a few important factors i.e. the type of raw materials it will be used for, the budget available for both maintenance and purchase of the crusher, the level of processing that will be required for the raw material, the texture of the rock, thickness, hardness, size, stickiness and even abrasiveness.
We also consider if you would prefer a mobile crusher plant, a semi mobile or a static crusher plant